Yearly Archives: 2024

Potomac Plastic Surgery

Factors to Consider in Revision Rhinoplasty, Part 2

Revision rhinoplasty involves several factors to ensure a successful outcome and overall satisfaction. It's important to note that revision rhinoplasty might not always achieve the desired results, and some patients may require additional surgeries. While most patients only undergo rhinoplasty once, there are instances where a touch-up or revision surgery is necessary. Some patients may …

Factors to Consider in Revision Rhinoplasty, Part 1

Patients should consider several factors when considering revision rhinoplasty to promote a successful outcome and overall satisfaction. Keep in mind that revision rhinoplasty may not be "successful" and a few patients may seek even additional rhinoplasty surgeries.   Rhinoplasty surgery is typically performed once in a majority of patients. However, occasionally a touch-up or revision surgery …
