Author Archives: Houtan Chaboki, M.D.

Blog post - facial plastic surgery procedures to avoid

5 Facial Plastic Surgery procedures to Avoid

Facial plastic surgery can restore and enhance your appearance and is generally considered safe and effective when performed by a board-certified surgeon on healthy patients with realistic expectations. However, not every aesthetic procedure is considered appropriate. Many factors goes into the decision in performing cosmetic surgery by plastic surgeons. Safety is the primary factor, but recovery and …

Blog post - facial plastic surgery swelling before after

Natural methods to reduce swelling after plastic surgery

Plastic surgery patients should expect a certain degree of swelling (edema) after cosmetic surgery. Even non-surgical liquid lift patients with Botox® or Restylane® may have some swelling. Fortunately, swelling after plastic surgery usually resolves with time. Cosmetic surgery patients may proactively help reduce post-treatment swelling via a variety of natural methods. We've reviewed rhinoplasty swelling in a previous post. Swelling after plastic surgery …

Blog post - depressor septi muscle droopy nasal tip

Depressor Septi Muscle – Improving a Droopy Nasal Tip with Rhinoplasty Surgery

Washington DC rhinoplasty patients want to improve a variety of aspects of the nose while keeping a natural appearance. The three top rhinoplasty requests from the best plastic surgeons or top rhinoplasty surgeons include reducing a nasal bump improving nasal symmetry elevating a droopy tip The post discusses some methods to help lift a droopy nasal tip by modifying …
