Botox Cosmetic: Visual Complications

Botox Cosmetic is a great and simple treatment for facial wrinkles, and restoring a youthful appearance in men and women. However, Botox Cosmetic does have potential complications.

Botox Cosmetic migrates a little bit away from the injection site, like a drop of water in the pool. As a result, Botox may affect facial muscles not intended. Injections around the eyes, which are helpful for wrinkle reduction, may spread to a muscle responsible for lifting the upper eyelid, called the levator. This migration occurs with anyone who injects Botox, including dermatologist, facial plastic surgeons, and cosmetic specialists.

Ptosis, otherwise known as a droopy or saggy eyelid, occurs because of a weakened levator muscle of the upper eyelid. Although uncommon, Botox may affect the vision by causing a droopy eyelid obstructing the upper visual field. Ptosis from Botox is temporary and resolves within a few weeks, but may last 3-4 months.

Upper eyelid ptosis from Botox can be temporarily managed by stimulating another muscle that helps lift the upper eyelid, called Muller’s muscle. Eye drops, such as apraclonidine 0.5%, are used twice daily in the interval time until the natural muscle movement of the levator returns.
Speak to your plastic surgeon and ask about treatment for eyelid ptosis from Botox Cosmetic.

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