BOTOX® Cosmetic is known for improving wrinkles of the forehead and eyes, but it has many other cosmetic uses. Because it so effectively relaxes muscles, BOTOX in the jawline sculpts the face and slims the jaw by relaxing the masseter muscle. For patients who may think their face is “too fat,” liposuction might not be the answer. A better option may be facial sculpting with BOTOX for jawline contouring in my Washington, DC office.
Both BOTOX and Dysport may be used to treat the face and neck for cosmetic purposes. These 2 treatments act similarly to relax muscles and improve appearance. Some physicians or patients may have a preference for one over the other.
What Is the Masseter Muscle?
The masseter muscle is a large muscle on the side of the face. This muscle attaches the lower jaw bone to the upper jaw bone by the cheek area. One can feel the activity of this muscle while chewing or clenching the jaw. Teeth grinding, TMJ, or excess gum chewing can make this lower jaw muscle large, similar to any other muscle that gets “worked out” regularly. Some may also complain of jaw pain or headaches, which may be associated with TMJ. The masseter muscle may be naturally larger in some patients, too, without excess tension.

Masseter muscle extends from the lower jaw bone to the upper cheekbone. BOTOX or Dysport may be used to relax and sculpt this muscle in appropriate patients.
Women may complain of appearing masculine if their jaws are wide or strong. Large jaw muscles contribute to a more square face, whereas a feminine face is more oval or V-shaped.
Jaw BOTOX Before and After Photos
Jawline BOTOX: What Happens During Treatment?
Jaw reduction with BOTOX is an office procedure similar to other injectable treatments. Discomfort is brief during injections, with usually minimal, if any, downtime after treatment. Dr. Chaboki’s patients typically return to work the same day. Results with BOTOX develop gradually over several weeks as the masseter muscle shrinks in size. The face becomes thinner and more heart-shaped.
Face slimming with BOTOX or Dysport typically requires higher doses than wrinkle reduction. This is because the masseter muscle is much larger than the muscles of the forehead and around the eyes. Patients who start jaw reduction may require 2 treatments a few weeks apart to sufficiently shrink the muscle, followed by another treatment several months afterward for maintenance.
The results of jaw reduction with BOTOX are temporary, and treatments must be repeated every few months in order to maintain desired aesthetic results. Patients with TMJ or muscle tension discomfort may feel symptom relief with more frequent BOTOX treatments.
Are There Any Alternatives for Facial Sculpting?
Although nonsurgical alternatives to BOTOX jawline slimming are limited, two facial sculpting surgical procedures may be good options for some patients.
Buccal Fat Removal
For those with “chubby cheeks” or a “baby face,” the cause may be excessive cheek fat, also known as buccal fat. Buccal fat is a distinct “ball” of fat in the middle part of the face. This deep facial fat, unlike the more superficial facial fat, does not really fluctuate with body weight changes. Gently sucking in one’s cheeks partially simulates results with buccal fat reduction.
Buccal fat removal normally takes less than an hour and is performed via local anesthesia and sedation. A small incision is made on the inside of the mouth, and a conservative amount of this excess cheek fat is removed. Stitches dissolve over several days. Pain is minimal, and recovery is generally pretty quick. Read more about cheek fat reduction.
Chin Augmentation
For others, the true culprit of a wide-looking face shape may be a recessed or underprojected chin. Chin augmentation, often performed through the insertion of an implant, can play a pivotal role in enhancing facial harmony. By emphasizing the chin’s prominence, the neck and jawline appear more sculpted and balanced, leading to a slimmer facial contour.
What Is the Best Facial Sculpting Treatment to Slim the Face?
Each facial plastic surgery treatment addresses different areas, and some patients may benefit from one or both procedures. Starting with nonsurgical BOTOX for jaw reduction is usually a good first option, as the potential risks and downtime are much lower as compared to buccal fat reduction surgery or a chin augmentation.
Only after a comprehensive evaluation can a plastic surgeon help determine appropriate options for you. Contact us online to request a consultation or call us at (202) 800-2085.
Interested in Botox jaw reduction
Thank you for reading our blog. Our office offers both Botox and Dysport for nonsurgical jaw reduction and slimming the face. Others who want to slim the face may be better candidates for buccal fat reduction. Office consultation can help determine appropriate options.
Dr. Chaboki