Differences in Facelift Surgery

Facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a type of plastic surgery that can rejuvenate the face and neck by lifting and tightening the skin and underlying tissues. Sagging cheeks, droopy jowls, turkey neck, and double chins can all be treated with a facelift. One typically starts considering facial surgery to rejuvenate the face and neck after the age of forty. There are several different types of facelifts, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.


Facelift types

Each facelift type will include sub-types. The more common surgical facelift types include:

Traditional facelift

This is the most common type of facelift, also known as a full facelift, that addresses both the upper and lower face. It involves making incisions in the hairline , under the chin, and around the ears to lift and tighten the skin and muscles of the face and neck. Fat transfer may also be performed.

Mini facelift

Also known as a limited-incision facelift, this procedure is less invasive than a traditional facelift and is often used for younger patients or those with less skin laxity. It involves smaller incisions around the ears and focuses on lifting the middle and lower parts of the face. Doctors have used various names for mini facelift surgery such as “s lift”, “a quick lift”, and “a lifestyle lift”. One issue for mini lifts is that it generally isn’t long lasting, especially for those who have more severe tissue laxity.

Neck lift

This type of facelift specifically targets the neck area to address sagging skin, weak chin bone, excess fat, and muscle laxity in the neck. It may be performed as a standalone procedure or in combination with a facelift. Isolated neck lifts can be performed in younger patients under forty, which include neck liposuction and chin augmentation.

Midface lift

This facelift type targets the middle portion of the face, including the cheeks and lower eyelids. It can help lift and tighten the cheeks, reduce nasolabial folds (smile lines), and restore volume to the midface. Midface lift surgery is often combined with other types of facelift surgery.

SMAS facelift

A popular facelift among plastic surgeons, a SMAS lift tightens the layer of muscle under the skin. This type of facelift focuses on the lower face and neck. Incisions are around the ears and under the chin.

Deep plane facelift

This is a more advanced facelift technique that involves lifting and repositioning the deep tissues of the face, including the muscles and fat pads. It provides more extensive and longer-lasting results compared to traditional facelifts and SMAS facelift, but also requires more surgical skill and experience.

Dr. Chaboki is one of a select few facial plastic surgeons who has experience and offers deep plane facelift surgery. View our before and after facelift gallery to see natural results with his approach.


A facelift is surgery and cannot be replaced by nonsurgical cosmetic treatments to address saggy skin. While we offer several nonsurgical treatments, there simply isn’t a worthwhile nonsurgical option once significantly loose skin and sagging tissue is present.

The specific facelift technique will vary depending on the patient’s individual needs, facial anatomy, and surgeon’s expertise. It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon to determine the most suitable facelift type for your goals and expectations. Read more about choosing the best facelift.

Contact the office today and schedule your facelift consultation.

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