Factors to Consider in Revision Rhinoplasty, Part 1

Patients should consider several factors when considering revision rhinoplasty to promote a successful outcome and overall satisfaction. Keep in mind that revision rhinoplasty may not be “successful” and a few patients may seek even additional rhinoplasty surgeries.


Rhinoplasty surgery is typically performed once in a majority of patients. However, occasionally a touch-up or revision surgery may be needed. Some revision rhinoplasty patients may have functional issues with breathing or the sinuses. Some seek revision rhinoplasty to improve cosmesis of the nose. Others may need both improvement of nose function and appearance with another rhinoplasty.


Primary rhinoplasty (ie. the first rhinoplasty) is generally considered a difficult operation on its own by plastic surgeons. The nose is a three dimensional structure of skin, cartilage, bone, and mucosa that greatly effects one’s appearance and sinus function. In addition, there isn’t just one method or technique to address the multiple aspects of the nose.


A second (or more) rhinoplasty is even more challenging. The tissue has been modified and existing scar tissue affects outcomes. Final results are more variable.



First, select an experienced, board-certified facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty and has a track record in revision cases. A surgeon with expertise in this area understands and may address the complexities and challenges that come with secondary surgeries.


Dr. Chaboki is board certified both in Facial Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology. He specializes in all aspects of nose surgery, including revision septoplasty and sinus surgery. Other nasal surgeons and plastic surgeons refer rhinoplasty patients to him. Dr. Chaboki will provide an honest evaluation for each patient and determine if they are a candidate for revision rhinoplasty.


Here is an example before and after revision rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Chaboki.


Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Understanding the reasons for dissatisfaction with the initial rhinoplasty is another vital consideration. Whether the concerns are functional, such as breathing difficulties, or aesthetic, such as asymmetry or an undesirable shape, clear communication with the rhinoplasty surgeon about these issues is important. This helps in setting realistic expectations and developing a tailored surgical plan.


Prior to consulting with a plastic surgeon, one must create a list of desired changes in order of priority. What is the one most important thing you would like to change? Be as precise as possible. Would you be OK if the first couple items are improved, but the others items unchanged?


Emotional readiness and psychological factors should not be overlooked. Undergoing revision rhinoplasty can be emotionally taxing, and it is important to be mentally prepared for the process and recovery period. Support from family and friends, as well as consulting with a mental health professional if needed, can be beneficial.


Financing Revision Rhinoplasty

Lastly, considering the financial implications, including the cost of surgery, potential downtime from work, and the possibility of additional expenses for follow-up care, is essential. Comprehensive planning and consideration of these factors can significantly contribute to a successful and satisfying revision rhinoplasty experience.

Revision plastic surgery of any kind can be more expensive than the initial procedure due to the complex nature and increased time of revision surgery. A primary rhinoplasty may take 1-2 hours, while a revision rhinoplasty can take longer to perform.


Are you considering revision rhinoplasty? Contact us to schedule a consultation.

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