The choice to make aesthetic changes in your nasal profile is not a small one. Our patients think long and hard about the choice and do not take it lightly. This is one of the reasons why we might suggest a non surgical rhinoplasty as an option for aesthetic change.
A non surgical rhinoplasty is a changing of the nasal area using fillers to fill in unevenness or to change the shape of the nasal bridge or tip. These hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers can last over a year in the right individual. Great candidates for this procedure have these qualifications.
Are not ready for rhinoplasty surgery
They know they would like to make a physical change but are nervous about committing to a surgery. Non surgical rhinoplasty is not a replacement for surgery. However, fillers are a great way to “try-on” a look in a semi-permanent fashion. Patients have months to get accustomed to the new look and decide whether they might like to make it a permanent one.
Alternatively, they have already has rhinoplasty surgery and need a revision. Non surgical rhinoplasty with fillers can be considered instead of revision surgery.
Lastly, some may not be ready for surgery financially. Non surgical rhinoplasty is more affordable as compared to surgery. There are some people whose pocketbooks do better with smaller withdrawals on more occasions rather than a large sum charged at once.
Do not have medical concerns
There is no need for a medical change. If the nasal area need only be changed in shape rather than form, fillers might be a good option to consider. Non surgical rhinoplasty can address a weak nasal bridge, a slightly crooked one, asymmetry in the tip, and other visible incongruities, but it does nothing to fix any internal medical issues, such as a deviated septum or chronic sinus problems. The procedure takes no longer than ten minutes to complete and lasts about a year, whereas the recovery time for a rhinoplasty is considerably longer when all is said and done. Patients can expect a small amount of swelling or bruising at most with the liquid rhinoplasty, and for weeks afterwards with surgery.

Non surgical rhinioplasty with filler injection by Dr. Chaboki of Potomac Plastic Surgery DC
Want potential reversible results.
They want an easier way out should they dislike their result. While fillers can be tricky to remove, they are at their nature an impermanent solution and can be removed with a few injections of hyaluronidase which dissolves the filler. Revision rhinoplasty is oftentimes possible but ends up taking that much more money and time to complete and to heal.
Want immediate results
Results with HA filler is immediately evident as soon as it is placed so the patient can see a shift in their appearance. This is great for those who want immediate change with little to no downtime!

Non surgical rhinioplasty with filler injection by Dr. Chaboki of Potomac Plastic Surgery DC
Have had prior fillers
Facial filler injections are used in various areas of the face. The lips, cheeks, and smile lines are the most popular. We also perform multiple non surgical eye rejuvenation treatments with filler for under eye bags and dark circles. Patients can have filler placed in the nose at the same time as other facial areas as appropriate.

Non surgical rhinioplasty with filler injection by Dr. Chaboki of Potomac Plastic Surgery DC
Patients have been happy to walk out in minutes with a notably new nose! Keep in mind, as with all fillers, results may settle after treatment. In addition, more than one treatment may be requested for desired results.
We take our time and are precise in placement of these fillers and makes sure to listen to all of the patient’s concerns during treatment. Our staff at Potomac Plastic Surgery will be delighted to help you find what treatment works best for you!
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