Chin Dimple BOTOX® & Other Chin Treatment Options

Blog post - before after photos Botox chin dimple injection plastic surgery
Blog post - before after photos Botox chin dimple injection plastic surgery

Before and after relaxer injection for overactive mentalis muscle by Dr. Chaboki, a Washington DC facial plastic surgeon. The chin is smoother without dimples.

Men and women may have various complaints about their chins. A double chin and weak chin are common, but we also treat a number of patients who complain about a dimpled or wrinkled chin. That’s where “chin dimple BOTOX®” can help my Washington, DC-area patients; it smooths the skin by relaxing the muscle.

In this post, we’ll review various chin concerns, from dimpled chin skin to receding chins, and discuss your likely treatment options.

What Causes Chin Issues?

Chin concerns have various causes. Patients may have been born with a cleft chin, weak chin, or dimpled chin. Some receding or double chins can gradually occur over time with age. One group of patients includes those with an overbite, who are predisposed to a double chin or weak chin. As with many aspects of plastic surgery, underlying anatomy is a very important factor.

One anatomic aspect of chin surgery that plastic surgeons consider is the mentalis muscle. The position, size, and relative tension of this muscle can affect the appearance of the chin.

What Is the Mentalis Muscle?

Blog post - before after photos chin surgery neck lift mentalis muscle dimple

Approximate location of mentalis muscle in pink, one muscle of the chin that can be treated with relaxers such as Botox and Dysport.

The mentalis muscle is one muscle of the chin. This chin muscle extends from the bottom of the central chin to the crease under the lower lip. The mentalis muscle is a paired group, with one muscle on each side of the chin and a small gap in the middle. The mentalis muscle elevates the lower lip and contributes to pouting of the lips.

Patients who are born with a weak chin or have an overbite may have strain in the mentalis muscle or a high-riding muscle, which can present with or without lower lip incompetence. Patients with weak chins may unconsciously keep their lips open. The chin can dimple from this muscle strain or muscle activity.

Sometimes the mentalis muscle is not attached to the lower chin bone, either from birth or prior jaw surgery. As a result, it’s in a higher position than typical. A high-riding mentalis muscle may give the chin a more blunted appearance when viewed in profile or more “button” or ball-like appearance on front view.

Blog post - before after photos Botox chin dimple injection plastic surgery

Before and after relaxer injection for overactive mentalis muscle by Dr. Chaboki, a Washington DC facial plastic surgeon. The chin is smoother without dimples.

Relaxing the Mentalis Muscle

Muscle relaxers, such as BOTOX®, Dysport®, and Jeuveau®, can temporarily smooth the skin. These relaxers are injections often given to smooth wrinkles in the forehead, but are also commonly used in the chin.

We can temporarily relax a hyperactive, strained mentalis muscle with injections to help smooth a dimpled chin. Some plastic surgeons and dermatologists refer to this muscle tension appearance as peau d’orange, French for “orange peel skin” because the chin has the dimpled texture of an orange peel.

How Much ‘Orange Peel Chin’ BOTOX Do You Need?

Anywhere from approximately 5 to 20 units of BOTOX may be given to relax the mentalis muscle and improve the appearance of the chin. BOTOX and Dysport can be given before and/or after chin surgery as appropriate.

Blog post - before after photos Botox chin dimple injection plastic surgery

Before and after relaxer injection for overactive mentalis muscle by Dr. Chaboki, a Washington DC facial plastic surgeon. On side view, the chin is slightly augmented by relaxing the mentalis muscle.

The Mentalis Muscle in Chin Surgery

Chin surgery includes procedures such as chin liposuction, chin augmentation with an implant, or jaw surgery. Plastic surgeons may also combine surgery, such as liposuction with a chin implant for enhanced results.

Unlike neck lift surgery where the underlying muscle is often lifted or tightened, during chin surgery, the mentalis muscle is preserved. Plastic surgeons don’t lift this muscle as part of chin surgery.

Blog post - before after photos chin surgery neck lift mentalis muscle dimple

Before and after chin and neck surgery for a double chin. A medium silicone implant was placed via a small incision under the chin. Neck liposuction was also performed to enhance the neck lift result.

Chin implants, whether placed through a small incision under the chin or inside the mouth, are placed deep or under the mentalis muscle. The chin implant is placed onto bone, and the mentalis muscle slides over the implant. Initially after chin surgery, the chin area or muscle may feel “tight,” but that sensation gradually resolves with time.

Read more about chin implant surgery and neck liposuction for a double chin.

Your First Step Is a Consultation

Do you want smoother chin skin? Then consider neuromodulators such as BOTOX and Dysport. We’re happy to talk with you about your concerns and discuss your surgical and nonsurgical options. Contact the office at (202) 800-2085 or use our online form to request a consultation.

2 Responses to Chin Dimple BOTOX® & Other Chin Treatment Options

    • Houtan Chaboki, M.D. says:

      Thank you for reading the blog!

      Relaxer injections such as Botox will vary based on number of areas and/or units. Office consultation is required to help determine appropriate options.


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