Potomac Plastic Surgery: Houtan Chaboki, MD
2311 M Street, N.W. Suite 501
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 800-2085
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Facelift Before & After Case 206

Before & After
Case Details
Loose skin affects everyone to various degrees. Plastic surgeons typically observe skin laxity and sagging neck skin in patients over fifty. Fat also accumulates under the chin, and facial bones become thinner over time. Each anatomic factor (skin, muscle, fat, bone, etc) plays a different role in each patient to create a double chin or submental fullness. Cosmetic surgery options to improve the neck and jawline will vary based on each patient's anatomy and personal preferences.
This woman was referred to facelift specialist Dr. Chaboki from her dermatologist. She did not have prior cosmetic surgery, but was considering a facelift and/or neck lift to refresh her appearance without looking "different". Examination revealed sagging skin and muscle tissue, excess neck and jowl fat, a weak chin bone, and relatively flat cheeks.
She underwent a facelift, neck lift, neck and jowl liposuction, chin augmentation with silicone implant, and facial fat transfer. Fat injection was performed in the lower eyelid and cheek areas. Fat transfer can be performed in isolation, but is commonly performed with facelift surgery for an enhanced rejuvenation. In addition to a refreshed and natural appearance, the eyes, cheeks, neck, and jawline have improved with the combined cosmetic surgery procedures.
Read more about facelift surgery in our blog.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Houtan Chaboki, M.D.
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.