Potomac Plastic Surgery: Houtan Chaboki, MD
2311 M Street, N.W. Suite 501
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 800-2085
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Neck Lift Before & After Case 110

Before & After
Case Details
Professional men and women of Washington DC often request improvement in their necks and jawlines. Washingtonians have active lives and need to return to the office quickly wafter cosmetic surgery. However, all face lifts surgery usually involves an incision around the ear, which includes mini lifts or s lifts. Not every patient wants or has the recovery time for such neck plastic surgery. As a result, a short recovery time is a reason why many non-surgical facelift technologies have increased in popularity with light, heat, or ultrasound to lift and tighten areas. While recovery is normally shorter with these energy based neck lifts, the cosmetic results may also be limited.
This Washington professional already had an energy based non-invasive neck rejuvenating procedure in a dermatology office. While recovery was relatively quick with the prior non-surgical technique, the aesthetic results were very limited. He then consulted with Washington facelift surgeon Dr. Chaboki to review further cosmetic options for his "double chin". Examination revealed primarily excess neck fat and mild sagging of the lower facial skin. Dr. Chaboki performed liposuction of the neck and jowls alone, without any skin removal. Very small incisions were placed just under the chin and behind the ears which are not visible. Neck liposuction helped sculpt his neck with both immediate results from fat reduction and continued lifting and tightening over time. For patients who have minimal downtime, neck liposuction alone may be the best option for them.
Procedures Performed
Provider: Houtan Chaboki, M.D.
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.